In an attempt to produce an easier to utilize interface for the elderly, [Stephen] has put together this phone prototype which utilizes RFID tags to dial. It is typical for our motor skills as well as eyesight to deteriorate as we get older. There are special phones out there, however generally the only modifications they make are enlarged buttons as well as louder speakers. [Stephen] had the concept to make a system where an elderly person would hold up a photo of the person to the phone as well as it would dial. He chosen up an RFID card visitor as well as an Arduino. The code for the RFID visitor was already available, as well as with minor adjustments to prevent several swipes from hand tremors or sluggish movements, he was able to get it working quite fast. The Arduino then sends the data to an ioBridge to make the call.He’s utilizing Google voice to physically location the call, so you might most likely adapt this to other services as well. You can see a video of it in action after the break.

[Stephen] explains that even though he’s utilizing an iphone in the video, this job should truly work with any type of two phones.

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