Official Twitter app For WP updated With support For Windows Phone 8

Twitter for Windows Phone has just been updated with support for Windows Phone 8, and although it appears only to be bug fixes at best, it’s good to see Twitter attempting to keep on top of its official application for the new platform. Twitter – like Facebook – has struggled to deliver the goods on both Android and iOS in recent times, with performance levels looking sketchy at the best of times, but with Windows Phone 8 comes a new start, so don’t be shocked to see lots of a lot more meager updates at frequent intervals from the social networking site.

Microsoft is now well and genuinely a player in the smartphone game, and maybe the first port of call in establishing itself alongside iOS and Android, is to build up a substantial ensemble of apps over at its online hub. The multiple-core support is there, the beautiful cam of the Lumia 920 is also there, but without apps, all of the software maker’s hard work would amount to nothing. Twitter joins a long list of larger outfits using apps for Windows Phone, and with a mainly different interface than the big Two, it’s of paramount value that companies and developers keep apps in good shape – for the evolution of the platform as much as anything else.

The version number of the new Twitter is 1.3.4692, which differs to that of the Windows Phone 7 app (1.2.4555), but doesn’t appear to show any new features or implementations. maybe the changes – if any – are under the hood, and in all fairness, given the touch-and-go nature of Twitter apps in the past, we must probably be grateful if this must be the case.

We’re currently giving the app the once-over on a Lumia 920, and must we discover anything new, we will of course update the post accordingly. The update was first discovered over at Italian blog Nokialino, by somebody else in ownership of the new Nokia 920, so it may just be a quiet update pushed specifically for the new flagship Windows Phone 8 handset. If you are running a Nokia Lumia 920 – or a Windows Phone 8 device able to receive the update – download the very most current version of Twitter onto your device ideal now, and let us know if you find anything interesting by dropping us a comment on our Facebook or Google+ pages.

(Source: Twitter for Windows Phone on Windows Phone Store)

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