RADIO RECEIVER develop LOG as well as a lot more

At Hackaday, we like to see develop logs, as well as over on, you can discover lots of them. Sometimes, though, a builder truly outdoes themselves with a great deal of excellent detail on a project, as well as [N6QW’s] Simple-Ceiver job definitely falls into that category. The job logs paper lots of different stages of completeness, as well as we linked the very first one for you as a starting point, however you’ll absolutely want to checked out as much as the present. (There were 16 parts, some spanning several posts, last time we checked).

It is absolutely worth the effort though. The job started out as a direct conversion receiver, however the style goes with as well as converts it into a superheterodyne receiver. Along the way, [N6QW] shares building techniques, style advice, as well as even simulation plots (backed up with actual range measurements). The regional oscillator, of course, utilizes an Arduino as well as an AD9850 synthesizer.

Even if you never plan to develop a receiver such as this (and in spite of the basic in the name, this is not a one hour build) it is still worth inspecting out for the in-depth notes as well as the recommendations on receiver design as well as design.

If you are trying to find something you might develop in one or two sittings, you may think about starting with a regenerative receiver. We’ve looked at them before as well as even have one that utilizes a LM386 in a method its designer never intended.

Thanks to [N7SUR] for the tip.

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