Android 5.0 Lollipop Encrypted Vs Unencrypted performance comparison

Google’s Nexus 6 is a extremely large, extremely Motorola gadget in terms of design, however away from the finish, the powerful underbelly as well as the slick general performance, its Android Lollipop software application does include one or two interesting new quirks of its own. Notably, it bundles full-disk encryption as standard, a function that cannot be disabled on any type of Lollipop gadget without flashing a new ROM, as well as while this isn’t necessarily a poor thing, some new benchmark readings suggest that the unfavorable effect on performance is considerable.

For those unfamiliar, full-disk encryption essentially obscures a device’s data up until a password or PIN code is entered, as well as this, in turn, is a win for both privacy as well as security. It likewise implies that specific bodies, such as legislation enforcement, would have a challenging time in acquiring your sensitive data without direct gain access to to the login credentials, as well as when it very first concerned our interest back in September, it was typically accepted that this was a great relocation from the huge G.

It ought to be explained that full-disk encryption has been around because Android 3.0 Honeycomb, as well as Google has just enabled it by default rather than adding it as a brand new feature. however while, as some explained in advancement of the Nexus 6’s arrival, this encryption can put a bit added strain on battery as well as general performance, some new benchmarks comparing an encrypted Nexus 6 to an unencrypted one suggest that the default function might be a genuine hindrance in spite of its apparent uses.

The people at AnandTech have a genuine, unencrypted Nexus 6 in their possession offered by Motorola, so the benchmark testing up against the encrypted one is fair from that aspect. As you can see from the below readings of the NAND performances of each handset utilizing ANDEBench PRO, the difference is stark, as well as with the 256KB sequential reads being five times quicker without encryption enabled, one has to question whether the determine aimed to protect privacy is really worth it.

It’s worth rapidly discussing that ANDEBench’s readings might be somewhat off, however even if there is a marginal discrepancy, the prospective gulf in real-world performance ought to not be taken with a pinch of salt.

What do you make of this; would you like the choice to disable encryption without having to go with the rigmarole of flashing? Do share your comments below!

(Source: AnandTech)

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