WHERE THE RUBBER satisfies THE computer

If you ever get a possibility to go to Leiden, take it. It is a gorgeous bit city that hides some high-power university research. It likewise boasts the world’s very first rubber computer. You won’t be running Crysis on it anytime soon, though. The fledgling computer has memory as well as can count to two — truly a lot more of a specify machine. It is much easier to enjoy the video below than try to completely describe it. Or you can checked out with the actual paper.

If you enjoy the video, you’ll see that deformation in the corrugated rubber structure is obviously repeatable as well as represent bits in the machine. pressing as well as releasing pressure on the structure develops both input as well as clock as well as it is possible for the material to go from specify A to B on compression, however when you release pressure, it reaches specify C. The compression as well as the angle of the pressure enable for different input conditions. One example rubber specify maker counts exactly how lots of times you compress the piece of rubber.

What do you make with a piece of wise rubber? We don’t know. perhaps if you desired shoes to count steps so you might transmit the count when a minute to save on battery? The researchers have admitted they don’t have any type of certain applications in mind either, however presume somebody will want to utilize their work.

Of course, the video’s title: “The Rubber Computer” is a bit of hyperbole, however we can forgive it. a lot of people wouldn’t get “The Rubber Finite specify Machine.” While mechanical computing may seem a bit passe, turns out at the molecular level it may ended up being extremely important. Besides, you can make a computer out of cardboard (or simulate that computer in an FPGA or spreadsheet, if you prefer).

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