Hacker [12344321A] has developed a smart open-source pen plotter having a frame made of odd-shaped PCB panels (Chinese). It holds an normal drafting pen as well as draws on a little composing platform 8 x 8 cm square. This is barely sufficient area to draw a company card, depending upon which country you’re from. The movement appears to be offered by DVD stepper motor head positioning assemblies, as well as the controller is an ESP32-based GRBL 3-axis board. individual manage is through WiFi as well as the plotter can be seen in operation being driven from the user’s smartphone (see video on the job page above).

Linear movement Assemblies from a DVD player?
This appears like it would be an low-cost build, as well as seems durable sufficient in spite of being actually held together by solder as well as paper clips. however be forewarned, the job is documented on an open-source hardware sharing site sponsored by EasyEDA called OSHWHub — the Chinese equivalent of their similar English-language OSHWLab. thus all the notes are in Chinese, although Google equate can assist here. [12344321A] offers all the engineering style data under GPL 3.0 license.

Thanks to [J. Peterson] for discovering this job as well as bringing it to our interest through the suggestion line.

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